
Discover how Design can help you get the most out of Contextual Advertising.

Maximize your brand’s social reach: meet Social Post, Social Video Feed, and Social Video Reel!

Introducing our latest configurations: Social Post, Social Video Feed, and Social Video Reel. Crafted to mirror both the look & feel and functionality of leading social media platforms (TikTok and Instagram), these creative offerings are designed to captivate users and channel their traffic directly to your brand’s social networks. Social Post, available for Contextual Impact […]

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Surprise your audience with Boost

Introducing Boost, a unique configuration that aims to break away from the ordinary, giving an interesting twist to your ads. In this first example, we share with you a Contextual Impact Display that, after a few seconds, adopts a Native style. Boost is all about harnessing the strengths of two formats: the powerful initial impact […]

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