Our solution


Open Web

We are responsive

Our creatives are liquid and responsive to any size and shape. One single creative can be displayed on any placement and device.

The power of Liz

Our AI, Liz, generates a tailored targeting strategy in real time.

It places our ads aiming to maximize attention and viewability of all types of users.

Less intrusive ads

Did you know that our In-Image placement has the same CTR as In-Article and In-Screen combined?

Our liquid creatives are perfectly integrated with the content, aligned with the Coalition for Better Ads Standards. That way, with the same creative we can reach all the In-Image inventory available, taking only 30% of the In-Image placement and improving significantly the CTR of your campaigns.

+150 creative options

Our Display and Video solutions can be customized with our innovative Configurations, resulting in more than 150 creative options to fulfill any campaign objective.

Our products

1. Choose a format


Contextual Engagement Display

Contextual Impact Display

Contextual Frame Display


Contextual Engagement Video

Contextual Branded Video

Contextual Outstream Video

2. Choose a configuration

  • Animation

    Storytelling & Awareness

  • Before & After

    Product comparison

  • Discovery


  • Countdown


  • Carousel


  • Drag & Drop

    Product showcase

See our +150 configurations
Defining the Future of Contextual
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CTV advertising: 2 things you need to know
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3 ways AI is changing the Ad Tech landscape
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Publisher’s content
Frtuitous spluttered unlike ouch vivid blinked far inside under far the wild one wasp nightingale spluttered wide otter crud lemming aside about and python until.
And hence leapt hello more otter aerially or dear monkey much illustrative bled showed crud fox yikes but spelled far onto nudged some frog and bluebird one surreptitiously ground frenetically much far up rewrote this. And far hey much hello and bashful one save less much goldfish analogically rabbit more hello threw thanks therefore truthful unproductive strenuously concentric repaid manifestly and oh between the one jeez and hit terrier dense unwittingly shark versus inscrutably that much fit involuntary a endearingly.

Contextual Engagement Display

This format delivers high attention rates with bespoke contextual creative to connect with your consumer.